I began to paint almost twenty years ago and it has changed the way that I view the world. Now whatever I am doing, whether it is running errands, having lunch with friends or walking along a beach, I find myself searching for potential paintings. I look at the light and the shadows and examine the patterns that the world presents to me. My camera is always with me. I take thousands of digital pictures every year. Later, after I study and manipulate them, a few become the starting points for my paintings.
The images I choose to paint for some reason caught my attention. I find these particular scenes to be the most interesting and engaging. Perhaps I am excited by the shapes or the contrasting colors, the lights and the darks, an unusual composition or mysterious person. Then I must make my choices. How can I capture this moment on canvas? How can I simplify this complicated world so that the viewer can see what is special to me? I use color intuitively and adventurously as I strive to create exciting and dynamic paintings.
The world we live in today is so busy and scheduled. We all seem to rush from one appointment to another, rarely slowing down to really look at things. My goal is to encourage my audience to pause and enjoy a more relaxed and in depth view of the special moment that I have chosen to paint.